
Micro-budget filmmaking is often a battle against the dollar, but our team have extensive experience working on low budgets through community cooperation. If you’re a supporter of independent film, of education, and/or stories about diversity, this is a great place to make your donation. Donations are tax-deductible through our 501(c)3 sponsor Filmmakers Collaborative!


If you’re an investor interested in coming aboard our project as an Executive Producer or other credited industry professional, we’d love to have you. We’ve raised 80% of our budget, and are already going out to name talent, but would love a boost to open up the playing field to bigger names. Take a look at our pitch deck, and reach out to Producer Nathan Graham Davis using the button below.


Grassroots filmmaking is all about people - and not just the actors in front of the lens when the film is complete... It’s about the teacher who volunteers to come to set and play an extra, the awesome local cook who will bring snacks to set one day, the small business owner who will provide a location to the film. Find out how you can be part of the community that tells this story!

a compelling coming of age story that offers a fresh perspective on an important and timely theme
— Slated